Online Stretching Membership

Unlimited Online Stretching!

Do you wish you could do more stretching but your schedule makes it a bit tricky to commit to a yoga membership?

Do you feel a bit self-conscious stretching in front of others?

In this membership you'll be able to stretch from the comfort of your own home, whenever you want to.

Which means you can reduce pain and move around easier.

You'll get access to join weekly classes live online, or watching the recordings in the portal

Sign up now for only $50 a month (cancel anytime)

Watch it from anywhere, anytime, 100% online!

Each class focuses on something different, so it stays fun & interesting!

-Shelle Dixon
Stretching Coach & Yoga Teacher

Will it be a good fit for me?

This course is right for you, if:

You have ever felt you're not able to move the way you used to.

You want to achieve basic range of movement or maintain great self-care for your sports/ hobbies.

You're sick of doing the same stretches over & over.

✅ You want to understand more about your own body, and why things feel the way they do.

What sorts of topics are covered?

Some of the classic favourites have been:

✅ Stream & Stretch

Lower Body Legends (Improving your squat)

✅ Bedtime Stretches

✅ Partner Stretching with kids (pirate themed)

✅ Brilliant Backs

What outcomes will I get?

Access to unlimited online stretching will mean:

❤️More flexibility

🌟 Less pain

🫶 Hacks for more self care

And – even better techniques for stretches

About Your Trainer


Yoga Teacher | Stretching Coach

Hi, I am Shelle and I'm passionate about moving with ease!

Which is why I decided to create this online portal to help the people I'm looking after to be able to access even more help with their mobility.

I started out in the industry of helping people after receiving several soccer and aerial injuries. Life is all about being able to move and play, and I understand how frustrating it can be without those things. So I want to be able to help you keep doing the things you love through stretching and movement.

What others are saying

My first stretching class with Shelle tonight and I feel amazing! It’s been a while since I’ve done any real work to stretch my body and tonight made me realise I need to do this more often. Thanks Shelle, love your work


I had the privilege of being in one of Shelle's Yoga classes. It was challenging yet flowed. Shelle used a lot of different Yoga poses which are outside the normal stock standard Yoga class. The breathing exercises were wonderful and a great way to bring mindfulness to the exercises. It was a wonderful class I would definitely recommend.


oh my gosh, Shelle's stretching classes are life changing! I left feeling fantastic and took away lots of new information about how to take better care of body in future. Highly recommend and I will be going back.


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Usually $60

Membership only $50

Get IMMEDIATE ACCESS when you purchase! Cancel anytime via email (2 weeks notice)